主讲人:Robert Glenn Parker,上海交通大学“讲席教授”
罗伯特?格莱恩?帕克(Robert Glenn Parker),上海交通大学”讲席教授”、美国加州大学伯克利分校博士、密西根学院教授、学术事务副经理、原美国俄亥俄州立大学机械工程系教授。帕克教授曾获美国总统青年科学家奖、美国自然科学基金杰出青年奖、美国Army Research Office杰出青年基金,被评为美国机械工程师学会会士(ASME Fellow)和美国科学促进会会士(AAAS),并担任ASME“振动与声”委员会委员、ASME“动力传动”委员会委员、国际机构学和机器科学联合会成员和ASME振动与声学杂志副编辑。迄今已在国际权威学术杂志发表数篇论文,其中在《声与震动》发表17篇,ASME《应用机械学》发表11篇,ASME《震动与声》发表9篇,ASME《机械设计》发表5篇。帕克教授的主要研究方向为机械动力学。帕克教授曾作为访问学者到法国里昂国立应用科学院、丹麦瑞索国家实验室、悉尼科技大学、NASA格林研究中心、东京大学悉尼大学做学术交流,并曾为美国西科斯基飞机公司,Doosan(韩国),Orbital2(英国/捷克),波音航天航空公司,沃尔沃汽车公司,霍尼韦尔公司等13个国际知名公司做过咨询顾问。
报告题目:Unique Cyclic Symmetry Vibration Phenomena in Planetary Gears
报告人:Prof. Robert Parker(Virginia Tech, USA)
时 间:2015年6月13日上午9:00-11:00
地 点:机械传动国家重点实验室219会议室
Planetary gears are an example of a cyclically symmetric system. This cyclic symmetry leads to unusual vibration phenomena in their modal properties and dynamic response. This talk will explore unique vibration phenomena arising from the cyclic symmetry. Experiments confirming the behaviors will be described. Generalizations to the category of cyclically symmetric systems will be discussed. Symmetry creates powerful vibration reduction tools that engineers can easily apply.
Despite their long history, scientific study of planetary gear dynamics has been concentrated in the last 20 years, and the pervasive impact of parametric excitation and nonlinearity has been realized only recently. Tooth contact loss and dynamic forces from varying contact conditions as the gears rotate are essential features of nonlinear vibration observed in practice.
The first part of the presentation will discuss industrial examples motivating the work. The presentation will thendescribe mathematical, finite element, and experimental approaches to planetary gear vibration analysis. Finally, we will illustrate and explain the range of cyclic symmetry phenomena and how the findings generate results with useful practical implications.
Prof. Parker is the L. S. Randolph Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech. Previously he wasa Distinguished Professor Chair and the Executive Dean at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Instituteand served 13 years on the faculty at Ohio State University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley.
Prof. Parker’s research examines the vibration and stability of high-speed mechanical systems.He has published over 100 archival journal papers and 120 conference papers. His individual research funding exceeds $10M from a range of federal and industry sponsors. He has consulted for several major companies where analyses using his research have solved vibration problems in the automotive, helicopter, wind turbine, and aircraft engine industries.
Prof. Parker is a Fellow of ASME and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.The Chinese government selected him as an inaugural awardee for its 1000 Person Plan.He has received the US Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the National Science Foundation CAREER, and the US Army Young Investigator Awards, as well as the ASME Gustus Larson Award, Ford Chief Engineer Award, French governmentPoste RougeAward, SAE Ralph Teetor Educational Award, and ASEE’sGlobal Engineering Educator and Outstanding Faculty Awards. He is an Editor forMechanism and Machine TheoryandASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.
Prof. Parker has been a Visiting Fellow at Risoe National Lab (Denmark), the University of New South Wales, the University of Sydney, Tokyo University, NASA Glenn Research Center, and INSA Lyon. He worked at The Aerospace Corporation for two years.