Chongqing University English- taught
Professional Degree Program for International Postgraduates
(牵头)学院:机械工程学院 专业领域名称(代码):0855
School: College of Mechanical Engineering Major/Area(Code):0855
一、专业(领域)简介 Major/ Area Description
The Mechanical Engineering graduate program of Chongqing University is formed by the adjustment and integration of the master degree programs of College of Mechanical Engineering, Vehicle Engineering and Aerospace Engineering. The primary goals of the program are to develop the scholastic ability, independent creativity, and professional competence of the student.
二、培养目标 Program Objectives
1. to obtain basic engineering theories, advanced technical methods and means, understand the technical status and development trend in the field of mechanical engineering
2. 掌握机械专业领域坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识;
2. to maintain solid basic theory and systematic expertise in the field of mechanical engineering
3. to be able to grow professionally and personally
4. to serve their profession and community as valuable contributing leaders.
三、学制及学习年限Program Duration
3 years
Note: The program duration (for 2020 cohort of students at College of Mechanical Engineering) is 2 years and will start as 3 years from year 2021.
四、课程及培养环节设置Curriculum and Program Design
(一) 设置原则 General Principle
机械专业学位研究生的课程学习实行学分制,课程总学分不少于28学分,其中公共必修课不少于6学分,专业必修课不少于8学分;听取学术、技术和思想教育报告 6 次 1 学分,专业实践 6-12 个月 6学分,创新创业活动 1 学分,开题报告 1 学分。
The credit system is implemented for the study of the Professional Master Program of Mechanical Engineering. The total credit required is no less than 28 credits, among which the Common Compulsory Courses entail at least 6 credits and Professional Compulsory Courses entail 8 credits. In addition, the 6 reports of attended academic, technical and ideological education lectures amount to 1 credit; 6-12 month-length professional practices add up to 6 credits; innovation and entrepreneurship activities are given 1 credit and thesis proposal is given 1 credit respectively.
(二)课程及培养环节设置 Courses and Requirements
课程 类别 Course Type |
课程 编码 Code |
课程名称 (中文/英文) Course Name (Chinese/English) |
学时 Periods |
学分 Credits |
考核 方式 Assessment |
开课学期 Semester |
开课 公司 School(s) |
备注 Remarks |
公共必修课程 Common Compulsory Courses |
G95004 |
基础汉语/ Basic Chinese |
64 |
4 |
考试 examination |
1 |
国际学院 School of International Education |
不少于 6 学分,数学类课程必修1门 1. 6 credits is the minimum requirement; 2. Required 1 math course. |
G97004 |
中国概况(英文授课)/ Introduction to China(English) |
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 |
国际学院 School of International Education |
G06000 |
数值分析全英文/Numerical Analysis |
40 |
2.5 |
考试 examination |
1 or 2 |
数统 College of Mathematics and Statistics |
G06003 |
应用数理统计全英文/Applied Mathematical Statistics |
40 |
2.5 |
考试 examination |
1 or 2 |
数统 College of Mathematics and Statistics |
专业必修课程 Professional Compulsory Courses
G98059 |
学术规范与研究生论文写作指导(英文授课) /Academic Conventions and Writing for Postgraduates(English) |
16 |
1 |
考查 evaluation |
2 |
机械(暂定)College of Mechanical Engineering (TBD) |
工程类国际研究生必选 Required course for International program postgraduates of Engineering type |
G98060 |
工程伦理(英文授课)/Engineering Ethics(English) |
16 |
1 |
考试 examination |
2 |
机械(暂定)College of Mechanical Engineering (TBD) |
工程类国际研究生必选 Required course for International program postgraduates of Engineering type |
ZS07020 |
有限元方法 Finite Element Methods
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 |
机械 College of Mechanical Engineering |
ZS07021 |
机械系统动力学 Dynamics of Mechanical Systems |
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
2 |
机械 College of Mechanical Engineering |
ZS07032 |
计算机辅助设计与制造 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 |
机械 College of Mechanical Engineering |
S07251 |
有限元分析技术(英文) The finite element analysis technique |
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 or 2 |
汽车 School of Automotive Engineering |
ZS32003 |
燃料电池基础与燃料电池汽车(英文) Fuel cell fundamental and fuel cell vehicle |
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 or 2 |
汽车 School of Automotive Engineering |
S31001 |
空气动力学 /Aerodynamics
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 or 2 |
航空航天 College of Aerospace Engineering |
S20238 |
计算流体力学/Computational Fluid Dynamics
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
2 |
航空航天 College of Aerospace Engineering |
计算固体力学/Computational Solid Mechanics
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 |
航空航天 College of Aerospace Engineering |
专业选修课程 Professional Elective Courses |
ZS07042 |
机电一体化 Mechatronics
32 |
2 |
考查evaluation |
1 |
机械 College of Mechanical Engineering |
ZS07026 |
机械制造技术Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacturing
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
2 |
机械 College of Mechanical Engineering |
ZS07006 |
传感器、驱动器及信号处理 Sensors, Actuators, and Signal Processing
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 |
机械 College of Mechanical Engineering |
ZS07041 |
先进机器人学 Robotics
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
2 |
机械 College of Mechanical Engineering |
ZS07009 |
高等固体力学 Advanced Solid Mechanics
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
2 |
机械 College of Mechanical Engineering |
ZS07098 |
车辆可靠性设计(英文)Reliability Analysis in Vehicle |
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 or 2 |
汽车 School of Automotive Engineering |
S32002 |
应用力学(英文) Applied Mechanics |
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 or 2 |
汽车 School of Automotive Engineering |
ZS07130 |
汽车主被动安全技术(英文) Active and Passive Safety Technology |
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 or 2 |
汽车 School of Automotive Engineering |
S31005 |
复合材料结构分析与设计/ Analysis and Design of Composite Structures
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
2 |
航空航天 College of Aerospace Engineering |
S20292 |
弹塑性力学/Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
1 |
航空航天 College of Aerospace Engineering |
S31004 |
飞行器结构可靠性/ Aircraft Structural Reliability |
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
2 |
航空航天 College of Aerospace Engineering |
S31003 |
飞行器结构动力学/ Dynamics of Flight Vehicle
32 |
2 |
考试 examination |
2 |
航空航天 College of Aerospace Engineering |
公共选修课程 Common Elective Courses |
ZG300001 |
初级汉语/ Elementary Chinese |
64 |
4 |
考试 examination |
2 |
国际学院 School of International Education |
全英文授课国际研究生必修 Required course for International program postgraduates |
其他必修环节 Other Requirements
1 |
听取学术等报告/ Reports of Attended Lectures |
1 |
6次 |
2 |
专业实践/ Professional Practices |
6 |
累计6 -12个月 Accumulated 6-12 month |
3 |
创新创业活动/Innovation and Entrepreneurship Activities |
1 |
4 |
中期考核/Mid-term Assessment |
5 |
开题报告/Thesis Proposal |
1 |
考查 evaluation |
补修课程 Added Courses |
五、专业实践 Professional Practice
Professional practice content includes production design, technical transformation, process experimental technology and investigation report. Students submit professional practice plan. The practice should last at least 6 months. Students submit a practice report (at least 5000 words) when finish practice. Experts assess with excellent, good, pass and fail. Students who pass can acquire 6 credits, who fail need supplementary practice.
六、中期考核Mid-term Assessment
The Mid-term Assessment conducts after students finish curriculum learning, professional practice and thesis proposal. Supervisors evaluate students’ academic performance as assessment and postgraduate office place on file. Students who fail need re-assess after 3 months.
七、硕士专业学位论文要求及评阅 Requirements for Thesis
Thesis should be completed independently under the guidance of tutors.
Format and standard: Dissertation requires clear concept, reasonable structure and standardized format according to relevant documents. The number of thesis words range from 20,000 to 50,000. The quality of thesis shall be compliant with thesis standard of academic degree evaluation sub-committee.
Students should submit thesis defense application one month before defense with supervisor’s approval. Thesis defense applications are generally made in the sixth semester after the admission of graduate students.
The thesis should be reviewed and approved by two experts before defense. The thesis Defense Committee should consist of 5 experts with senior technical or academic titles from related enterprises and research institutes.
八、学位论文答辩及学位授予工作Defense and Degree
Students can be awarded Master Degree of Mechanical Engineering after students’ achieving all curriculum requirements including completing credits of curriculum design and acquiring qualified results, as well as the thesis being approved by experts and their passing defense, and the result being approved by the academic degree evaluation sub-committee and the academic Degree evaluation committee of the university. Other requirements should be in accordance with Implementation Rules for Awarding Chongqing University Professional Master Degree.