The fifth meeting of the China-EU High-level People-to-People Dialogue
The fifth meeting of the China-EU High-level People-to-People Dialogue was held by video conference on November 9th, 2020. Chongqing University, as one of the partners of the European cooperation project, was invited to participate in the "Parallel Online Seminar on Education of the Fifth Session of the China-EU High-level People-to-people Dialogue" jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and the Directorate General for Education and Cultural Affairs of the European Commission.
On the afternoon of 9th, prof. Xiaohui Chen from the College of Mechanical Engineering attended the online discussion as the representative. The theme of the conference was "Mobility and Education" and it was divided into two topics: "Promoting balanced mobility of people" and "Limitations of face-to-face (offline) education". EU university experts from the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, and Ireland, Xiaoyan Wang, Director of National Education Development Research Center, and expert professors from the Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, and Beijing Normal University delivered keynote speeches at the meeting.
The fifth meeting of the China-EU High-level People-to-People Dialogue was held via video link on May 10th. Chunlan Sun, Vice Premier of the State Council, and Gabriel, European Commission for innovation, research, culture, education, and youth committee attended the meeting and both sides issued a joint press statement. "In the area of education, both sides recognized the special impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the education sector and its mobility and agreed that the education sector should play an important role in the post-epidemic recovery phase. The two sides reviewed the active participation of Chinese students, scholars, and institutions in the "Erasmus + "program and agreed to rely on the Chinese government scholarship program and the "Erasmus + "program to expand the two-way communication scale of students and scholars based on mutual benefit. Both sides welcomed the publication by the research team of the EU-China Higher Education Quality Standards and Credit Mutual Recognition Project of the Guidelines for Credit Mutual Recognition to promote the compatibility of higher education institutions and support joint efforts by higher education institutions in China and the EU to cultivate high-level talents through various means.
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