Lecture-Industrial Sustainability: New ideas and Developments
Campus A 7-333
2018 Oct. 22, 8:30am
Industrial Sustainability: New ideas and Developments

Title:Industrial Sustainability: New ideas and Developments
Time:8:30 am, Oct.22, 2018
Place:Campus A 7-333
Speaker:Prof. Stephen Evans
Host:Ming K. Lim, Dean
Stephen Evans, Professor of Cambridge, Director of the EPSRC Centre for Industrial Sustainability, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Business, Fellow of the British Institute of Engineering Technology, Expert to the House of Lords on Waste Reduction, Expert on Low Carbon Technology Applications and Energy Efficiency, Chairman of the Manufacturing Policy Committee and the Design and Production Committee, British Institute of Engineering and Technology. Prof. Evans has been committed to the multidisciplinary cross the forefront of sustainable development, cooperation, innovation, and technology research, main research direction includes sustainable factory, sustainable urban regeneration design, sustainable design, and operation, etc., has published five monographs, participated in 14 monographs, drafting 3 United Nations industrial development organization documents, more than 200 academic papers published articles.
Industrial Sustainability offers the vision of an industrial system that can make the products of today – all the cars, clothes, food, and phones – without damaging the planet. Factories that clean the air and the water they use, factories that take back the old cars to make new, factories and supply chains that grow phones. These are all part of a sustainable industrial future. This talk describes some of those very different futures but mainly focuses on the practical steps that need to be taken to reach that future. The talk will cover issues of eco-efficiency, of new ways of doing business, of new technologies and of wider industry-scale changes that may be needed before we can be happy to see more factories arriving near our home.