Name: Yangjun Pi Title: Professor Email Address: cqpp@cqu.edu.cn Office Room Number: SKLMT 408 |
Background of Education and Work Experience
2010-present, 版权所有:suncitygroup太阳新城(中国)集团官方网站, Chongqing University, Chongqing. Faculty
2014-2015, Centre for Engineering Dynamics, School of Engineering, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK. Visiting Scholar
Ph.D. in Mechatronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 2010
B.S. in Mechatronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 2005
Research Field
Research and Honors
Selected publications
[1]J . Wang, Y. Pi*, Y. Hu, Z. Zhu, State-Observer Design of a PDE-Modeled Mining Cable Elevator With Time-Varying Sensor Delays, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2020.
[2]J . Wang, Y. Pi*, Output feedback vibration control of a string driven by a nonlinear actuator, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019.
[3]J. Wang, S.-X. Tang, Y. Pi*, and M. Krstic, Exponential regulation of the anti-collocatedly disturbed cage in a wave PDE-modeled ascending cable elevator, Automatica, 2018.
[4]J. Wang, Y. Pi*, and M. Krstic, Balancing and and suppression of oscillations of tension and cage in dual-cable mining elevators, Automatica, 2018.
[5]J. Wang, M. Krstic, and Y. Pi*, Control of a 2x2 coupled linear hyperbolic system sandwiched between 2 ODEs, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018.
[6]J. Wang, Y. Pi*, Y. Hu, Z. Zhu, and L. Zeng, Adaptive simultaneous motion and vibration control for a multi flexible-link mechanism with uncertain general harmonic disturbance,Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017.
[7]J. Wang, Y. Pi*, Y. Hu, and X. Gong, Modeling and dynamic behavior analysis of a coupled multi-cable double drum winding hoister with flexible guides, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2017.
[8]Y. Pi and H. Ouyang, Lyapunov-based boundary control of a multi-span beam subjected to moving masses, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2017.
[9]Y. Pi and H. Ouyang, Vibration control of beams subjected to a moving mass using a successively combined control method, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016.