Name: Ke Wang (PhD) Title: Associate Professor Email Address: kewangcqu@163.com Office Room Number: 13983632496 Office Tel: 13983632496 |
Background of Education and Work Experience
l2009-2013 |
PhD, Automotive Engineering The State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, The University of Hunan, Changsha, China Tutor: Renowned automotive expert, Academician, Professor Zhong zhihua, |
l2007-2009 |
MSc, Automotive Engineering 版权所有:suncitygroup太阳新城(中国)集团官方网站, The University of Hunan, Changsha, China Awarded the Outstanding Master's Thesis (2009) |
l2003-2007 |
BSc, Automotive Engineering The University of Hunan, Changsha, China GPA: 86.4/100, Ranking first of the whole grade(114 people in all) Awarded the Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis (2009) Also awarded the national scholarship(2005), A-level scholarships(2004 and 2005), Miyoshi students(2004), outstanding Graduation intern(2007), Zhong yuanyu special scholarship(2006), First Prize for the "Changqing Cup" Second National Undergraduate Mechanical Creative Design Competition (2006) and so on. |
Research Field
l Autonomous Vehicle
l Complex Environment Understanding and Localization
l Artificial Intelligent
l Robotics
Research and Honors
l Ke wang, Cuan Cao, Sai Ma and Fan Ren. An Optimization-based Multi-Sensor Fusion Approach Towards Global Drift-Free Motion Estimation. IEEE Sensors Journal 2021, DOI :10.1109/JSEN.2021.3064446
l K. Wang, S. Zhang, J. Chen, et al., A feature-supervised generative adversarial network for environmental monitoring during hazy days, Science of the Total Environment 2020,748,141445 Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141445,
l Ke wang, Gang li, Junlan Chen, Tao Chen, etc.. The Adaptability and Challenges of Autonomous Vehicles to Pedestrians in Urban China. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2020, 145, 105692 , Doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2020.105692
l Wang, ke; ma sai; etc.. Approaches Challenges and Applications for Deep Visual Odometry Toward to Complicated and Emerging Areas. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 2020, In press(Doi: 10.1109/TCDS.2020.3038898).
l Ke Wang, Xinwei Tang, Shulian Zhao and Yuchen Zhou. Simultaneous Detection and Tracking Using Deep Learning and Integrated Channel Feature for Ambient Traffic Light Recognition. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2021. (Doi:10.1007/s12652-021-02900-y) (SCIE, JCR Q1, IF:4.594)
l Lei Xiao, ke wang*, Shen Zhou, Sai Ma. An Intelligent Multiple-Articulated Rubber-Tired Vehicle based on Automatic Steering and Trajectory Following Method. Journal of Vibration and Control, March 2021, In press. Doi:10.1177/1077546321999187(SCIE, JCR Q2, IF:2.865)
l Wang, K.; Huang, X.; Chen, J.; Cao, C.; Xiong, Z.; Chen, L. Forward and Backward Visual Fusion Approach to Motion Estimation with High Robustness and Low Cost. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2139.
l Junlan Chen, Ke Wang*, Huanhuan Bao, Tao Chen. A Design of Cooperative Overtaking Based on Complex Lane Detection and Collision Risk Estimation. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 87951-87959 (SCIE: IK7YT, IF:4.098)
l Junlan Chen, Ke Wang*, Zhoubin Xiong. Collision Probability Prediction Algorithm for Cooperative Overtaking Based On TTC and Conflict Probability Estimation Method. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2018, 77(4):195-210 (SCI)
l Wang Ke, Huang Zhi, Zhong Zhihua. A Simultaneous Multi-Vehicle Detection and Tracking Framework with Pavement Constraints Based on Machine Learning and Particle Filter Algorithm. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 27(6):1169-1177(SCIE:AS7PZ)
l KE WANG, ZHOUBIN XIONG. Visual Enhancement Method for Intelligent Vehicle’s Safety Based on Brightness Guide Filtering Algorithm Thinking of the High Tribological and Attenuation Effects. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 2016, 22(2A): 2021-2031 (SCIE: EA8DH )
l Zhi Huang, Ke Wang. DR/MM Positioning Method Base on Kalman Filter [J]. 2008, Vehicle Engineering, 30(4):364-367 (EI, In chinese)
l Zhi Huang, Ke Wang, Etc. A Research on the Bus Protocol for Car Body ComfoIrt System [J]. 2009, Vehicle Engineering, 31(4):331-335(EI, In chinese)
l K.Wang, Z. Huang. Research on Unified Network Transport Layer for Intelligent Vehicle Based on OSEK COM, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2012, 172, 461-469, (EI:20123715430111)
l Ke Wang, Zhi Huangi, Zhihua Zhong. Algorithm for Urban Road Detection Based on Uncertain Bezier Deformable Template. Journal Of Mechanical Engineering, 2013,49(8):143-150 (EI: 20150600487839,In chinese)
l Ke Wang, Zhi Huangi, Zhihua Zhong. A Study on Lane Understanding Algorithm Based on Multi-feature Fusion. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2013, 26(4):176-183(EI: 20133516679475, In chinese)
l Ke Wang, Zhi Huangi, Zhihua Zhong. Algorithm for Following Vehicle Motion Detection and Overtaking Warning. China Mechanical Engineering, 2013,24(3): 415-421(EI:13907941, In chinese)
l Wang Ke, Huang Zhi. A Research on Communication Network of Automobile Comfort Electronic System Based on OSEK COM. FCSA 2011, Kota Kinabalu, MALAYSIA, pp:125-128 (ISTP: BG8MR, Conference Paper)
l Gang Li, Junlan Chen, Ke Wang, Yan Long, Zhoubing Xiong. A Model Evaluating Complexity of Driving Environment toward Autonomous Vehicles Using Neural Network. 12th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID 2019). Hangzhou, 2019 (EI, Conference Paper))